Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Abstract Photography

Most people do not know what Abstract Photography is. According to dictionary.com abstract means... "of or pertaining to the formal aspect of art, emphasizing lines, colors, generalized or geometrical forms, etc., especially with reference to their relationship to one another." An example of an abstract photo that I've taken would be,
When I'm looking to take abstract shots, I tend to be drawn towards textures. Even though I'm drawn towards this characteristic, its not the only one for abstract photos. Usually its a clean image with high intensity where you can identify the object thats being taken. Most of these picture have high contrast and they are very close shots.
The image above was inspired by the famous photographer Brassi. As you can see this abstract photo is high in constrast because it is black and white. It also has texture and has a repetitave pattern which creates abstract. Even though you know the photo is tire tracks in snow, it isn't apparent at first glance. Hope you are inspired to take your own abstract photos and just remember these three words when shooting... contrast, texture, and the unkown.


  1. That is so cool. Your explanation is easy to understand and the pictures are really nice. Good job!

  2. As Always The Photos You Choose For This Blog Are Very Interesting And I Know I Can Leave This Blog Knowing Something New.
