Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Nature Photography

Spring is my favorite time of year and the best time to shoot because of all the bright colors. When taking pictures of nature you want to make sure that you are just enhancing the photograph and not changing it completely. The photograph above is a good example of a photograph that is edited well, and the photograph below is an example of a photograph that is edited too much!

This is my favorite nature photograph ever taken and it’s called the "Chameleon" What makes this camera good is the bright colors that displays the natural beauty of the plant. You can tell that this picture has been edited, but you still see the natural detail in the plant. When a photo is edited too much, it tends to start looking fake and unreal.


  1. The pictures in this post are really amazing but I am confused on the caption that says 'Even though this photograph looks cool, you can tell its been through a process and doesn't look real.'
    Which photo were you talking about??

  2. sorry I will try and re-word that! and it was talking about the picture directly above.
